Rechungpa is known for intuitive music and instant composings with gongs, singing bowls, overtones and various percussions – from Sounds of Silence to Mantra Pop to World Fusion. He is the bandleader of The Positive Creative World Ensemble and plays in various formations with musicians from all over the world.
Rechungpa is a multi-media artist who travels in various areas of the arts. Since the mid-80s he has been developing multimedia sound-image compositions as well as various mask dance music theatre projects with intuitive and experimental new music in collaboration with musicians from classical music, jazz and new music.
His strength in music is intuitive improvisation with gongs, singing bowls, voice and overtones as well as various percussions – in meditative concerts, animative jams and sensitive sessions in sound spaces of world music, raga jazz and experimental new music.
Since 2007, he founded various musical projects, partly with Dinesh Mishra, Jim Galakti and other friends.
Current and music projects up to now (selection):
The Positive Creative World
WorldMusicEvolution Concerts in Bochum, Impulsbühne in Bermuda Dreieck, in Nerja,Spain and at music festival Rovinj 2014, Croatia, India tour 2017
Nature – Sound – Space
Sounds for Inner Peace – in the Cave of Nerja
- December 2013 – Concept and realization of a concert performance: with Dinesh Mishra, Rechungpa, Stevko Busch; Eric Peachey & special guest – Javier Paxariño, dance: Isabelle Gilton, Helena Lopez
Spirit of India Fusion
Dinesh Mishra, Rechunngpa, Hanif Khan & Friends
Special Events in NRW 2015
- February, Bochum: with Stephanie und Gunter Lepp, Anja Kreysing, Christiane Conradt. Bochum: with Sandesh Shandylya, Vanessa Vieto, Jens Pollheide, Jim Galakti
CrossOver Stage Surprises & Final Celebration – World of Cultures
- 2013 – in Ruhrstadt-Festival and on Tour with Dinesh Mishra, Jorge Pardo, Nantha Kumar, Vic Anselmo, Stevko Busch, Eric Peachey, Omar Ka, Abu Djigo, Seringe Gueye, Jens Pollheide, Dirko Juchem, Rechungpa, Edmund Held, Jim Galakti, Majid Drums, Kirsten Becker and others.
Gliding to Peace
- since 2013 – Relaxation – Meditation – Open Mind
- Rechungpa, Dinesh Mishra & Friends
Chromasphere I-III
- from 2013 – Live Performances to Video-Sound-Composition of Ingo Werner
- with Jho Kaufmann, Susanne Schulz, Dinesh Mishra, Rechungpa, Dimitri Markitantov
Sounds for Inner Peace
- from 2012 – Dinesh and Rechungpa – an international program with guest artists – Ignacio Bejar, Eric Peachey and others
Fresh Interferences – in sacred sound spaces
- 2013 – Rechungpa & Friends: Martin Hoemberg, Jim Galakti, Matthias Schmitz, Elderiel Bader, KeTah Rolf Tepel
Silent Harmonies
- since 2010 – Rechungpa with different partners and Special Guests
- Dinesh Mishra, Kristian Terzic, Christian Bollmann, Stephanie Lepp, Jim Galakti, Erik Huele, Sandip Bhattarcharja, Buvana, Stevko Busch, Brigitte Geuss, Edmund Held
- in Planetarium Bochum, in Malaga and at others places
Raga Jazz Union
- since 2009 – Dinesh Mishra, Rechungpa, Jens Pollheide, Jim Galakti & Friends
- special guests: Hanif Khan, Afra, Praful and others
Galakti Jazz – Galakti Sounds
- 2009-2018 – Jim Galakti, Jens Pollheide, Rechungpa, Andreas Heuser, and others
Arriving at the now – relaxed understand eastern wisdoms
- since 2008 – musical readings – Rechungpa & Friends (Vadim Laktionov, Brigitte Geuss, Edmund Held, etc.)
Healing Sounds – Mantras and Relaxation
- since 2009 – Rechungpa with Dinesh Mishra, Brigitte Geuss and others
The Positive Creative World Ensemble and BOLA World Ensemble
- since 2008 – world music projects of Rechungpa & Friends: Jim Galakti/Vadim Laktionov, Jens Pollheide, Edmund Held, Wilfried Schewik, Afshin Ghavami, Vic Anselmo, Stevko Busch, Kioomars Musayyebi, UlliP, Marvin Dillmann, Gunnar Nesterov, Kirsten Becker, Brigitte Geuss, Tobias Bülow, Manush Gautam, Marc Iwaskievic …
- Special Guests: Dinesh Mishra, Hanif Khan, Kristian Tercic, Rhashmi Bhatt, Stephanie Lepp, Gunter Lepp, Christian Bollmann, Majid Drums, Dirko Juchem, Nantha Kumar, Omar Ka, Abu Djigo, Serigne Gueye, Vanessa Vieto, Christiane Conradt, Anja Kreysing, …
Sound-image / video compositions / sound performances
- since 1987 – ErdKlangBilder (Earth Tones Pictures) / Eisenspuren (Traces Of Iron) / Wasserzeichen (Water Marks) / Metamorphose Masken (Metamorphosis Masks) – sound and dance theater: sounds pictures, experimental music, gong performances with Martin Theurer, Christer Irgens-Möller, Martin Verborg, Uwe Dienel, Gordana Simundza, Adam Guiane and others
Since 2007 – Rechungpa Reinhard Kreckel (Academy of Cultures NRW) colaborates with the famous Indian master flutist and teacher Dinesh Mishra on the program